SEMID package documentation. | SEMID-package SEMID |
All ancestors of a collection of nodes | ancestors ancestors.LatentDigraph ancestors.LatentDigraphFixedOrder ancestors.MixedGraph |
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are ancestralID-identifiable | ancestralID |
Perform one iteration of ancestral identification. | ancestralIdentifyStep |
Get bidirected components of a mixed graph | bidirectedComponents |
All children of a collection of nodes. | children children.LatentDigraph children.LatentDigraphFixedOrder children.MixedGraph |
Create an ancestral identification function. | createAncestralIdentifier |
Create an edgewise identification function | createEdgewiseIdentifier |
Create an htc identification function. | createHtcIdentifier |
Create an identifier base case | createIdentifierBaseCase |
Create a latent-factor half-trek critierion identification function. | createLFHtcIdentifier |
Create an latent identifier base case | createLFIdentifierBaseCase |
Identify bidirected edges if all directed edges are identified | createSimpleBiDirIdentifier |
Helper function to create a flow graph. | createTrekFlowGraph createTrekFlowGraph.LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Create an trek separation identification function | createTrekSeparationIdentifier |
Helper function to create a graph encoding trek reachable relationships. | createTrGraph createTrGraph.LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Get descendants of a collection of observed nodes | descendants descendants.LatentDigraph descendants.LatentDigraphFixedOrder descendants.MixedGraph |
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID-identifiable | edgewiseID |
Perform one iteration of edgewise identification. | edgewiseIdentifyStep |
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID+TS identifiable | edgewiseTSID |
Flow from one set of nodes to another. | flowBetween flowBetween.FlowGraph |
Construct FlowGraph object | FlowGraph |
A general generic identification algorithm template. | generalGenericID |
Get getAncestors of nodes in a graph. | getAncestors |
Get descendants of nodes in a graph. | getDescendants |
Determines if a half-trek system exists in the mixed graph. | getHalfTrekSystem getHalfTrekSystem.MixedGraph getTrekSystem.MixedGraph |
Size of largest HT system Y satisfying the HTC for a node v except perhaps having |getParents(v)| < |Y|. | getMaxFlow |
Get the mixed component of a node in a mixed subgraph. | getMixedCompForNode |
Get the corresponding mixed graph | getMixedGraph getMixedGraph.LatentDigraph |
Get getParents of nodes in a graph. | getParents |
Get getSiblings of nodes in a graph. | getSiblings |
Determines if a trek system exists in the mixed graph. | getTrekSystem getTrekSystem.LatentDigraph getTrekSystem.LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Determines whether a mixed graph is globally identifiable. | globalID |
Identifiability of linear structural equation models. | graphID |
Determine generic identifiability of an acyclic mixed graph using ancestral decomposition. | graphID.ancestralID |
Determine generic identifiability by Tian Decomposition and HTC | graphID.decompose |
Determine generic identifiability of a mixed graph. | graphID.genericID |
Determines if a mixed graph is HTC-identifiable. | graphID.htcID |
Helper function to handle a graph component. | graphID.main |
Check for generic infinite-to-one via the half-trek criterion. | graphID.nonHtcID |
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are HTC-identifiable. | htcID |
Perform one iteration of HTC identification. | htcIdentifyStep |
Get all HTR nodes from a set of nodes in a graph. | htr |
Half trek reachable nodes. | htrFrom htrFrom.MixedGraph |
Get the induced subgraph on a collection of nodes | inducedSubgraph inducedSubgraph.LatentDigraph inducedSubgraph.MixedGraph |
Are two nodes siblings? | isSibling isSibling.MixedGraph |
Get directed adjacency matrix. | L L.LatentDigraph L.LatentDigraphFixedOrder L.MixedGraph |
Construct a LatentDigraph object | LatentDigraph |
Construct LatentDigraphFixedOrder object | LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Checks that a LatentDigraph has appropriate node numbering | latentDigraphHasSimpleNumbering |
Get all latent nodes in the graph. | latentNodes latentNodes.LatentDigraph |
Determines which edges in a latent digraph are LF-HTC-identifiable. | lfhtcID |
Perform one iteration of latent-factor HTC identification. | lfhtcIdentifyStep |
Construct MixedGraph object | MixedGraph |
Checks that a MixedGraph has appropriate node numbering | mixedGraphHasSimpleNumbering |
Get all nodes in the graph. | nodes nodes.MixedGraph |
Number of latent nodes in the graph. | numLatents numLatents.LatentDigraph numLatents.LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Number of nodes in the graph. | numNodes numNodes.LatentDigraph numNodes.LatentDigraphFixedOrder numNodes.MixedGraph |
Number of observed nodes in the graph. | numObserved numObserved.LatentDigraph numObserved.LatentDigraphFixedOrder |
Get adjacency matrix for bidirected part. | O O.MixedGraph |
Get all observed nodes in the graph. | observedNodes observedNodes.LatentDigraph |
Get the observed parents on a collection of nodes | observedParents observedParents.LatentDigraph |
All parents of a collection of nodes. | parents parents.LatentDigraph parents.LatentDigraphFixedOrder parents.MixedGraph |
Plots the latent digraph | plot.LatentDigraph plot.MixedGraph |
Plot a latent factor graph | plotLatentDigraph |
Plot a mixed graph | plotMixedGraph |
Prints a GenericIDResult object | print.GenericIDResult |
Prints a LfhtcIDResult object | print.LfhtcIDResult |
Prints a SEMIDResult object | print.SEMIDResult |
Identifiability of linear structural equation models. | semID |
All siblings of a collection of nodes | siblings siblings.MixedGraph |
Strongly connected component | stronglyConnectedComponent stronglyConnectedComponent.LatentDigraph stronglyConnectedComponent.LatentDigraphFixedOrder stronglyConnectedComponent.MixedGraph |
Returns all subsets of a certain size | subsetsOfSize |
Returns the Tian c-component of a node | tianComponent tianComponent.MixedGraph |
Performs the tian decomposition on the mixed graph | tianDecompose tianDecompose.MixedGraph |
Identifies components in a tian decomposition | tianIdentifier |
Globally identify the covariance matrix of a C-component | tianSigmaForComponent |
Transforms a vector of node indices in the internal rep. into external numbering | toEx toEx.LatentDigraph toEx.MixedGraph |
Transforms a vector of given node indices into their internal numbering | toIn toIn.LatentDigraph toIn.MixedGraph |
Perform one iteration of trek separation identification. | trekSeparationIdentifyStep |
Trek reachable nodes. | trFrom trFrom.LatentDigraph trFrom.LatentDigraphFixedOrder trFrom.MixedGraph |
Update edge capacities. | updateEdgeCapacities updateEdgeCapacities.FlowGraph |
Update vertex capacities. | updateVertexCapacities updateVertexCapacities.FlowGraph |
A helper function to validate that latent nodes in a LatentDigraph are sources. | validateLatentNodesAreSources |
A helper function to validate input matrices. | validateMatrices |
A helper function to validate an input matrix. | validateMatrix |
A helper function to validate if input nodes are valid. | validateNodes |
A helper function to validate that there are no variable arguments | validateVarArgsEmpty |