Package: SEMID 0.4.1

Nils Sturma

SEMID: Identifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models

Provides routines to check identifiability or non-identifiability of linear structural equation models as described in Drton, Foygel, and Sullivant (2011) <doi:10.1214/10-AOS859>, Foygel, Draisma, and Drton (2012) <doi:10.1214/12-AOS1012>, and other works. The routines are based on the graphical representation of structural equation models.

Authors:Rina Foygel Barber [aut], Mathias Drton [aut], Luca Weihs [aut], Nils Sturma [cre, aut]

SEMID.pdf |SEMID.html
SEMID/json (API)

# Install 'SEMID' in R:
install.packages('SEMID', repos = c('', ''))

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SEMID package documentation.SEMID-package SEMID
All ancestors of a collection of nodesancestors ancestors.LatentDigraph ancestors.LatentDigraphFixedOrder ancestors.MixedGraph
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are ancestralID-identifiableancestralID
Perform one iteration of ancestral identification.ancestralIdentifyStep
Get bidirected components of a mixed graphbidirectedComponents
All children of a collection of nodes.children children.LatentDigraph children.LatentDigraphFixedOrder children.MixedGraph
Create an ancestral identification function.createAncestralIdentifier
Create an edgewise identification functioncreateEdgewiseIdentifier
Create an htc identification function.createHtcIdentifier
Create an identifier base casecreateIdentifierBaseCase
Create a latent-factor half-trek critierion identification function.createLFHtcIdentifier
Create an latent identifier base casecreateLFIdentifierBaseCase
Identify bidirected edges if all directed edges are identifiedcreateSimpleBiDirIdentifier
Helper function to create a flow graph.createTrekFlowGraph createTrekFlowGraph.LatentDigraphFixedOrder
Create an trek separation identification functioncreateTrekSeparationIdentifier
Helper function to create a graph encoding trek reachable relationships.createTrGraph createTrGraph.LatentDigraphFixedOrder
Get descendants of a collection of observed nodesdescendants descendants.LatentDigraph descendants.LatentDigraphFixedOrder descendants.MixedGraph
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID-identifiableedgewiseID
Perform one iteration of edgewise identification.edgewiseIdentifyStep
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID+TS identifiableedgewiseTSID
Flow from one set of nodes to another.flowBetween flowBetween.FlowGraph
Construct FlowGraph objectFlowGraph
A general generic identification algorithm template.generalGenericID
Get getAncestors of nodes in a graph.getAncestors
Get descendants of nodes in a graph.getDescendants
Determines if a half-trek system exists in the mixed graph.getHalfTrekSystem getHalfTrekSystem.MixedGraph getTrekSystem.MixedGraph
Size of largest HT system Y satisfying the HTC for a node v except perhaps having |getParents(v)| < |Y|.getMaxFlow
Get the mixed component of a node in a mixed subgraph.getMixedCompForNode
Get the corresponding mixed graphgetMixedGraph getMixedGraph.LatentDigraph
Get getParents of nodes in a graph.getParents
Get getSiblings of nodes in a graph.getSiblings
Determines if a trek system exists in the mixed graph.getTrekSystem getTrekSystem.LatentDigraph getTrekSystem.LatentDigraphFixedOrder
Determines whether a mixed graph is globally identifiable.globalID
Identifiability of linear structural equation models.graphID
Determine generic identifiability of an acyclic mixed graph using ancestral decomposition.graphID.ancestralID
Determine generic identifiability by Tian Decomposition and HTCgraphID.decompose
Determine generic identifiability of a mixed graph.graphID.genericID
Determines if a mixed graph is HTC-identifiable.graphID.htcID
Helper function to handle a graph component.graphID.main
Check for generic infinite-to-one via the half-trek criterion.graphID.nonHtcID
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are HTC-identifiable.htcID
Perform one iteration of HTC identification.htcIdentifyStep
Get all HTR nodes from a set of nodes in a graph.htr
Half trek reachable nodes.htrFrom htrFrom.MixedGraph
Get the induced subgraph on a collection of nodesinducedSubgraph inducedSubgraph.LatentDigraph inducedSubgraph.MixedGraph
Are two nodes siblings?isSibling isSibling.MixedGraph
Get directed adjacency matrix.L L.LatentDigraph L.LatentDigraphFixedOrder L.MixedGraph
Construct a LatentDigraph objectLatentDigraph
Construct LatentDigraphFixedOrder objectLatentDigraphFixedOrder
Checks that a LatentDigraph has appropriate node numberinglatentDigraphHasSimpleNumbering
Get all latent nodes in the graph.latentNodes latentNodes.LatentDigraph
Determines which edges in a latent digraph are LF-HTC-identifiable.lfhtcID
Perform one iteration of latent-factor HTC identification.lfhtcIdentifyStep
Construct MixedGraph objectMixedGraph
Checks that a MixedGraph has appropriate node numberingmixedGraphHasSimpleNumbering
Get all nodes in the graph.nodes nodes.MixedGraph
Number of latent nodes in the graph.numLatents numLatents.LatentDigraph numLatents.LatentDigraphFixedOrder
Number of nodes in the graph.numNodes numNodes.LatentDigraph numNodes.LatentDigraphFixedOrder numNodes.MixedGraph
Number of observed nodes in the graph.numObserved numObserved.LatentDigraph numObserved.LatentDigraphFixedOrder
Get adjacency matrix for bidirected part.O O.MixedGraph
Get all observed nodes in the graph.observedNodes observedNodes.LatentDigraph
Get the observed parents on a collection of nodesobservedParents observedParents.LatentDigraph
All parents of a collection of nodes.parents parents.LatentDigraph parents.LatentDigraphFixedOrder parents.MixedGraph
Plots the latent digraphplot.LatentDigraph plot.MixedGraph
Plot a latent factor graphplotLatentDigraph
Plot a mixed graphplotMixedGraph
Prints a GenericIDResult objectprint.GenericIDResult
Prints a LfhtcIDResult objectprint.LfhtcIDResult
Prints a SEMIDResult objectprint.SEMIDResult
Identifiability of linear structural equation models.semID
All siblings of a collection of nodessiblings siblings.MixedGraph
Strongly connected componentstronglyConnectedComponent stronglyConnectedComponent.LatentDigraph stronglyConnectedComponent.LatentDigraphFixedOrder stronglyConnectedComponent.MixedGraph
Returns all subsets of a certain sizesubsetsOfSize
Returns the Tian c-component of a nodetianComponent tianComponent.MixedGraph
Performs the tian decomposition on the mixed graphtianDecompose tianDecompose.MixedGraph
Identifies components in a tian decompositiontianIdentifier
Globally identify the covariance matrix of a C-componenttianSigmaForComponent
Transforms a vector of node indices in the internal rep. into external numberingtoEx toEx.LatentDigraph toEx.MixedGraph
Transforms a vector of given node indices into their internal numberingtoIn toIn.LatentDigraph toIn.MixedGraph
Perform one iteration of trek separation identification.trekSeparationIdentifyStep
Trek reachable nodes.trFrom trFrom.LatentDigraph trFrom.LatentDigraphFixedOrder trFrom.MixedGraph
Update edge capacities.updateEdgeCapacities updateEdgeCapacities.FlowGraph
Update vertex capacities.updateVertexCapacities updateVertexCapacities.FlowGraph
A helper function to validate that latent nodes in a LatentDigraph are sources.validateLatentNodesAreSources
A helper function to validate input matrices.validateMatrices
A helper function to validate an input matrix.validateMatrix
A helper function to validate if input nodes are valid.validateNodes
A helper function to validate that there are no variable argumentsvalidateVarArgsEmpty